The RED-COOP of the Argentine Association of Prosecutors (AAF) is composed of over a hundred prosecutors from different provinces and the Federal Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Here are the contacts of the facilitators from Buenos Aires City who will manage the direct connection with the Prosecutor corresponding to the need.
Marcelo Varona Quintián
Fiscal General Adjunto MPF CABA
Presidente Asociación Argentina de Fiscales (AAF)
Verónica Guagnino
Fiscal de Cámara MPF CABA
Directora del Área de "Género y Justicia de la Asociación Argentina de Fiscales (AAF)
Walter H. Fernández
Fiscal de Cámara MPF CABA
Vice Presidente Primero Asociación Argentina de Fiscales (AAF)
Santiago José Lipera
Funcionario-MPF CABA