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Derecho Ambiental

Matías Michienzi

Taller de capacitación



Captura de pantalla 2023-12-20 a la(s) 1

En el día de hoy, el Presidente de la Asociación Argentina de Fiscales (AAF), Marcelo Varona Quintián, acompañado por el Fiscal Matías Michienzi, firmaron con el Prof. Dr. Klaus G. Binder, Representante de la Fundación Hanns Seidel en Argentina, un convenio marco que sienta las bases para el trabajo conjunto entre ambas instituciones.

🌱 Con este convenio las partes buscan promover el intercambio de conocimientos y herramientas que permitirán mejorar el trabajo en las unidades fiscales especializadas en materia de investigación y persecución de delitos ambientales.



Maximiliano tells us how the specialized unit on Environment was created, and through two cases shows us the difficulty of moving forward with the current law; how a specialized unit is managed, relations with other organizations; the proactivity that is needed.

Very interesting about the expectations that an investigation generates in society and the responsibility that it generates in the prosecutor.

Maximiliano Breid Obeid -Part 1-

Hydrocarbon spill


Maximiliano Breid Obeid -Part 2

Miscellaneous Topics


the "ituzaingo" case

An "international leading case"

Carlos Matheu

Lawyer graduated from the National University of Córdoba in 1981

Former Investigating Prosecutor of the Judicial Power of the Province of Córdoba, a position he held for 25 years out of the forty of his judicial career

He was an Assistant Professor in the Chair of Criminal Law II of the National University of Córdoba

Member of the Latin American Network of the Environmental Public Ministry

Specialist in environmental criminal law

It was the investigating prosecutor who carried out the investigation and carried out the accusation in the oral and public trial in 2012 in the emblematic environmental case called “Barrio Ituzaingó”, which set a precedent in Argentina and Latin America by having achieved in said region the first ruling handed down by a criminal court that sentenced a farmer and an aerosol applicator to 3 years in prison as co-perpetrators of the crime of malicious environmental pollution due to illegal application with agrochemicals.

He received recognition from the NGO INECE (International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement) for his functional performance as a prosecutor in the “Barrio Ituzaingó” case, as said North American entity - supported by the United Nations Organization - understood that it constituted a "Leading case" on the link between human rights and the environment in the area of agrochemicals.

He received the recognition of the Argentine Medical Association with the distinction "Conscience 2012" for his performance as an investigating prosecutor in the cause of environmental contamination by agrochemicals in Barrio Ituzaingó.

He received recognition from the Superior Court of Justice of the Province of Córdoba for his functional action in the cause of environmental contamination by agrochemicals in “Barrio Ituzaingó”.

He received recognition from the General Prosecutor's Office of the Province of Córdoba for his functional action in the cause of environmental contamination by agrochemicals in "Barrio Ituzaingó."

He received recognition from the Dr. Lutti Seed Bank as an illustrious citizen of the city of Córdoba for his performance as an investigative prosecutor on environmental issues.

Participation in provincial, national and international Congresses and Seminars related to environmental criminal law.

Full sentence

We suggest the complete reading of the sentence, Carlos's evidentiary activity, the accounts of the witnesses and the serious consequences produced as a result of the crime.

Thanks Carlos for continuing to share your knowledge!

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